Rotary Club of Southeast Missouri Service

What is Rotary?

Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotary's people of action have used their passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.

Rotary Vision

Together we see a world where people unite and take action.

To create lasting change across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Four Way Test

In 1932, Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor created The Four-Way Test. The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:

Of the things we think, say or do

Rotary Core Values

Rotary’s core values represent the guiding principles of the organization’s culture, including what guides members’ priorities and actions within the organization. Values are an increasingly important component in strategic planning because they drive the intent and direction of the organization’s leadership.

These values are non-negotiable.


We believe that our service activities and programs bring about greater world understanding and peace. Service is a major element of our  

mission. Through the plans and actions of individual clubs, we create a culture of service throughout our organization that provides   

unparalleled satisfaction for those who serve.


We believe that individual efforts focus on individual needs, but combined efforts serve humanity. The power of combined efforts knows no limitation, multiplies resources, and broadens our lives and perspectives. Fellowship leads to tolerance and transcends racial, national, and other boundaries.


We believe Rotary unifies all people internationally behind the ideal of service. We encourage diversity of vocations within our membership and in our activities and service work. A club that reflects its business and professional community is a club with a key to its future.


We are committed to and expect accountability from our leaders and fellow members, both in the results of our efforts and in the processes we use to accomplish our goals. We adhere to high ethical and professional standards in our work and personal relationships. We are fair and respectful in our interactions, and we conscientiously steward the resources entrusted to us.


We are a global fellowship of individuals who are leaders in their fields of endeavor. We believe in the importance of leadership development and in leadership as a quality of our members. As Rotarians, we are leaders in implementing our core values.

In the News

Rotary Youth Leadership Academy

Madison James-Kessler, a sophomore at Jackson High School, was selected by the Rotary Club of Southeast Missouri Service as the RYLA recipient.

Pups in Bloom Rotary Dog Show

First annual Pups in Bloom Dog Show in conjunction with Jackson in Bloom.

Rotary Club donates to SEMO Food Bank

Rotary Club of Southeast Missouri Service donated $2,125 to the SEMO Food Bank.  Rotary District 6060 supplied $1,000 in a Grant and $1,125 was donated from Club Members.

Wreaths Across America Rotary Grant

With a partnership between all Rotary Clubs in our Community, together we raised $3,375 including a $1,000 Rotary District 6060 Grant to help fund the campaign by Daughters of the American Revolution John Guild Chapter for 225 Wreaths.

Meals on Wheels Grant through Rotary

Meals on Wheels at Jackson Senior Center received $2,000 from Rotary Club of Southeast Missouri Service through a Rotary District 6060 CAP grant.

World Peace Day Celebrating at Saxony Lutheran High School

Rotary District 6060 offered Rotary clubs to write a Peace Grant.  Rotary Club of Southeast Missouri Service created a contest for students at Saxony Luther High School to write an essay on "What does Peace mean to you in the World and in your own community?"

Rotary Sponsors Veterans Memorial Display

A temporary memorial was dedicated to the memorial veterans whose headstones at Jackson City Cemetary can no longer be read.  The Memorial consists of the U.S. Flag, P.O.W./M.I.A. flags in the background and flags and wreaths for the six branches of the military. 

Old Town Cape restores Community Garden in Downtown Cape

Old Town Cape has partnered with Rotary Clubs to revitalize and restore Old Town Cape Community Garden, previously known as SEMO Scholarship Garden.

Rotary Donates to School for Feminine Hygiene Products

Three local Rotary Clubs come together to empower Cape Girardeau's female students at the start of the new school year.  The Cape Girardeau Public School Foundation received $1,500 Rotary District 6060 Empowering Girls gift funds to provide low-income students with free feminine hygiene products.

Meals on Wheels Rotary Grant

Rotary Club of Southeast Missouri Service received a Rotary District 6060 Community Assistance Program grant.  The Jackson Senior Center Meals on Wheels received $2,000 through the grant.